THC and CBD: My Personal Experience.

So, I’ve had chronic pain for decades, at least since the early 1990s. I use acetaminophen regularly, sometimes resorting to T3s and even hydromorphone (oral morphine) on occasions where the pain and discomfort were (are) extreme. I can’t take ibuprofen because I have only one kidney (my left one was removed because of cancer in 2002) although it works the best for me. The other day, as a tribute to our silliness, Carolyn and I went canoeing on Buttle Lake in Strathcona Park. Such a beautiful place, but the wind can come up very strongly. We knew it could do that, but we blithely went out in the canoe anyway, and surely enough we got caught in a very snotty windstorm. We had to paddle at ramming speed for quite a while. My 72 year old body protested on every stroke. A couple of days later things came to a head and I had excruciating pain in my back because of a severe muscle strain (probably a tear, but who’s quibbling). So now I had acute pain competing with my chronic pain for attention. Both were winning at this stage. Enter CBD and THC.

There are lots of websites extolling the virtues of CBD and THC for the treatment of chronic pain, arthritis included. Here is one example from Medical News Today. WebMD is what I judge to be a fairly reliable source of internet-based medical information. Like this article in WebMD argues, consulting a physician is always important before using CBD as a medicine.

Great, so in the interests of attempting to alleviate some of my chronic pain, and being desperate, I decided to try using CBD and THC. To that end I had an MD ( a locum in my medical clinic) refer me to a group of health care professionals (physicians, nurses and therapists) at a clinic not far from my home. I figured I’d be a test subject although I know very well that a one person study is not a study at all. I was called shortly thereafter to a consultation with a physician who has experience with using CBD and THC medicinally. I was prescribed the use of CBD daily for chronic pain and THC at night to help me sleep through the night. On the physician’s recommendation I bought a 40 MG vial of CBD and a 40 MG vial of THC from what they said was a reputable manufacturer. So far, I’ve found that the manufacturer has been very careful to sell me only what I have a prescription for. The physician I saw prepared for me a sheet of instructions for taking CBD and THC. Since then, I’ve had regular calls from the clinic inquiring as to my experience with the products. I completed my first course of using CBD and THC a while back and have recently picked up my second prescription.

I really hoped that CBD and THC would work for me. T3s are fine, but harsh on the stomach. The THC is fine. It gets me stoned to some extent so I tried to take it only at nighttime. Doing what I do in my daily life, I can’t be stoned all the time. I need a clear(ish) head. I have enough trouble with brain fog as it is because of my immune disease. I don’t want to add to it with meds that don’t work all that well. I don’t think CBD worked for me at all, ever. I kept giving it a shot paying very close attention to my symptoms but I felt no improvement.

After I injured myself canoeing, I saw an MD again. I still had a few T3s left so I wasn’t too concerned. Well, the T3s ran out really fast. At one point when my pain was pushing 9.5 out of 10, I took T3s, up to 4 at a time and washed that down with a ml of CBD and another of THC. I also had some alcohol to really wash it down. I was then able to sleep, but I couldn’t keep that insanity up for long. So, back to the my regular medical clinic for some more T3s.

I also went back to the other clinic, the one that prescribed the CBD and THC for me. I had a consultation with an MD there and we basically agreed that CBD was not going to work for me. Clearly, it doesn’t work for everybody. I may still try using THC, but only at bedtime, and only if I’m feeling I need it for putting me to sleep. I may cease taking it altogether.

I’m quite sad about this because I had high expectations. At the moment all I can do to keep my pain levels down is to do very little of anything. Obviously I can write, but walking is even difficult and going out to socialize is increasingly unpleasant. Damn it, I love to socialize! I still go out and do volunteer work and maybe go to a restaurant now and again, but I have to rest frequently.

I knew that CBD and THC had not been tested using double-blind studies, but I hoped they would work anyway. Unfortunately for me, that wasn’t (and isn’t) the case. I sincerely hope they work for you.

8 thoughts on “THC and CBD: My Personal Experience.

  1. Unfortunately the THC and CBD in oil form don’t work for most people. Some say that smoking works much better. Smoking is not a good option for many including me. Nikki says the same thing the oils don’t work but smoking does help. I know you have little choice but acetaminophen is so hard on the liver I had to stop altogether, having fatty liver disease. Nikki is on a drug that is a synthetic opioid. She swears by that one. I will be asking for it soon too. I have tried so many drugs that I am quite disillusioned by the whole thing and tired of trying find anything anymore. Most drugs don’t work for me including opioids. For many procedures I still feel the pain, I tell them it hurts and basically they look at me like I’m nuts. Oh well sew me up. Lol 😂

    Guy Albert Sent from my iPhone



    1. Well, you’re the Guy with experience! I expect you’re right about cannabis oil. My ‘marijuana’ doctor as much as admitted that during my last visit. She has suggested that I go to a stronger dose of THC, but I don’t think I’d be able to function if I did that. I’m off T3s at the moment and using only acetaminophen, but my doctor just called to have me take more tests and I have to see him tomorrow morning to go over the results. I know I’m not dodging the old death thing, but I wouldn’t mind hanging around for a few more years. I want to do some more canoeing!


  2. Exactly my experience as well Roger. No effect whatsoever with cbd but thc does help me sleep.
    Best for me is a very small toke or two but when my back is bad I can not afford to cough (COPD lungs). So, even though it helps the pain and relaxes the muscles coughing is so excruciating I refrain (mostly).


    1. It’s a tough call and a lot of options are not that great. I have some liver damage from taking acetaminophen, but I’m not sure what else to do. My niece is taking a synthetic opiod that she finds very helpful. I may talk to my doctor about that. I won’t smoke dope anymore. Haven’t in decades. It’s way too hard on my lungs.


  3. Sorry to hear that. My wife and I struggle with a variety of similar and unique, personal symptoms as we sneak up painfully and sleepily on 60! We are considering CBD and are terrified of THC. Neither of us have any previous experience from our earlier years. Research always sounds promising but stories like yours are probably more indicative of reality. We will keep you posted as to our progress and hopefully results.


    1. Thanks for your concern, Tom and sorry to hear about you and your wife. I think that chronic pain is much more common than we realize. Most people don’t want to talk about it because it can be awkward.
      I’m slowly recovering from the acute pain brought on by our ill-fated canoe trip, but my chronic pain and the symptoms arising from my pernicious anemia are making up for it. I’m spending way too much time in my MDs office, that’s for sure. I’m not giving up hope however but I have given up on looking for a silver bullet or a miracle cure.
      Take care, Tom.


  4. Hello Roger, I’m sorry to hear about your chronic pain and its unfortunate effect on your quality of life. Have you considered injection therapy in your pursuit of pain relief? It might be something to discuss with your doctor. I only suggest it because I had a client a few years back who suffered from chronic back pain her whole life due to scoliosis and she found, after suffering the ill side effects of T3s and other pain killing tablets, that morphine injections a few times a year was the only thing that has truly worked for her and given her long term relief.


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